Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thing #6

The part that intrigues me the most is the website called "Big Huge Labs". The website is awesome. You can create some really neat things with personal photos, flickr photos, or other photos that students can find on the internet. I personal will be using this website with some of my son's photos.

I believe the website, Trading Card Makers, is another benefically tool for children. Our library could use this with research projects. Our librarian could introduce non-fiction text and have them report on a book using a trading card.

As a teacher, I will use this in my science and social studies classes. When our students study a certain grassland animal, they can make a trading card of the animal by finding a picture of one on the internet and writing a description of what they learned about that animal. How cool is that? In social studies this year, we had the students plan a trip somewhere in Texas. They could have found a photo of something in their town (ex: courthouse, festival, etc) and wrote about it on their trading card. I can't wait to use this website next year!

1 comment:

  1. Could you make a sample of one of these and post them on your blog so we can see your interpretation of your idea?
